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UV light source

Multi-Gas and monochromatic VUV Source (BL1100S)


Product Overview


FERMI BL-1100s is a specially designed high brilliance multi-gas VUV Source with a differential chamber, a monochromatic chamber, a multi-filters converter, and a UHV vale isolated focusing capillary. It can operate with a wide variety of different gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe...) and fulfill the demands of small light spot output and very few increment of gas pressure.




●  Retractable mechanism

●  75mm Linear Translator

●  Alignment mechanism: ± 3° tilt mechanism

●  Solid RF power supply and cable

●  Compulsory air cooling and water cooling

●  All-metal-sealed, UHV compatible


Test Report


Multi-Gas and monochromatic VUV Source(BL1100S)_2.png